Dhat Syndrome Treatment

Dhat Syndrome Treatment

Our ancient treatise mentions the Dhat Syndrome:

The derivation of Dhat word comes from Sanskrit language word- Dhatu means “Metal”, “Elixir” or “Constituent Part of our Body” that regards as the most powerful bodily substance. The preservation of semen guarantees health and longevity. The disorder to this Dhatu mentioned in our tradition as “Susruta Samhita” that represents ShukraMeha, Shukra means- Sperm and Meha means- Passage in Urine.

An Assumption about Dhat Syndrome or Metal Disease:

Many men feel that they are victims of premature ejaculation or impotence and believe that their semen is passing through urine. The assumption of passing semen through urine is generally known as Dhat Syndrome or Metal Disease.

Traditionally, in the Hindu Spirituality, semen is mentioned as a “Vital Fluid”. It is said, the discharge of this vital fluid either through copulation or masturbation, is marked as an anxiety or unease. The patient who complains about Dhat Syndrome always describes the loss of a whitish fluid while passing urine. At the other times, the patients are concerned about their excessive masturbation and they feel guilt about their unnatural assumptions.

Generally, Dhat is a thought that relates to a culture-bound syndrome that is regarded in different countries as the different principles. It can be related to the other post-orgasmic diseases such as Post- Coital Tristesse (PCT), Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS), and Sexual Headache.

Signs & Symptom of Dhat Syndrome:

In fact, the young generation is mostly suffering from this Dhat Syndrome. Whether he is a male or she is a female, both are suffering from their respective same sexual problems. Where one side a male is affected with Dhat Syndrome, the other side, a female is affected with Vaginal Discharge.

  • Fatigue & Weakness
  • Secretion of semen in urine
  • Excessive Masturbation
  • Sensual dreams
  • Unreasonable sexual longing
  • Habituated with obscene literature
  •  Dhat Syndrome Treatment

    The world famous sexologist, Dr. Sunil Dubey says - Both Nocturnal Emission and Secretion of Semen in Urine are considered as the semen misfortune. The Dhat Patients always scare about the result of semen misfortune and they have the conviction that this sexual problem will lead to decrease their sexual performance. The side-effects of a Dhat Syndrome are really poor where the patients become sluggish, low energy, short temperament, and shortcomings of the body. The same situation can be seen with Premature Ejaculation and Impotence patients.

    He again added that the other somatic symptoms with the Dhat patients that they feel weakness, Insomnia, low mood, easy tiredness, palpitation, guilt and impatience. Some patients complain that their private part has become short and thin. Actually, they report this thing because of their anxiety, guilt, and painful mood state. Commonly, the white discharge is the prime symptom.

    Our reputed Ayurvedacharya even explains the important point that our Ayurvedic Medical Science always describes. He narrates that a man who has bundles of anxiety he almost falls to this culture bond syndrome (Dhat Syndrome). It is obvious that semen loss is generally viewed as taboo and harmful to each male. Being able to produce semen is always viewed as longevity of a male health and fixed powers.

    Treatment for Dhat Syndrome:

    Our world-famous Ayurvedacharya says that Dhat Syndrome or Metal Disease is not a good sign for health. As the Dhat Syndrome affects a male life the same way, Vaginal Discharge (Leucorrhea) affects a female life. It is a part of Sexual Dysfunction where the patients need to be aware of their health.

    He said that our popular myth says that 40 drops of food converts 1 drop of blood and 40 drops of blood converts 1 drop of semen. By the way, we people should not worry about any mental, psychological, physical, or sexual disease. In today’s time, every man is so busy and hectic that he does not follow a healthy routine. This is also a reality that one who always gives one hour to his body who does not become unhealthy.

    Dubey Clinic helps to all the Dhat Syndrome patients providing them Ayurveda Remedy, Naturopathy Techniques, World-famous Ayurvedic Bhasma, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and consultation to become set free from Depression. In fact, the medication of this clinic has been solving the uncountable Dhat Syndrome patients in India.

    Consult with us:

    Do not avoid your sexual problems, take advice to eliminate it from the roots. Consult World Famous Sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey at Dubey Clinic, who is a specialist in treating all sexual disorders in men & women.


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