desire disorder

Desire Disorder Treatment

Postulation of Sexual Desire Disorder:

Sexual dysfunction is categorized into different formats that affect both male and female in different phases. As a survey of sexology medical science institutes in the world, commonly, 45% of women and 30% of men always complain some degree of sexual dysfunction or disorder. When there is lack of any kind of coordination in your sex life then sexual disorder starts in your life. There are 4 types of sexual disorders which affect the sexual life of men and women.

4 Types of Sexual Disorder:

1. Sexual Desire Disorder (SDD)
2. Sexual Orgasm Disorder (SOD)
3. Sexual Arousal Disorder (SAD)
4. Sexual Pain Disorder (SPD)

Our reputed world-famous Ayurvedacharya and sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey says- The classification of Sexual Disorder into 4 categories based on male and female sexual problems. The first one is Desire Sexual Disorder and here, this popular sexologist describes it.

About Sexual Desire Disorder:

When the sexual desire or interest in a man or a woman starts to decrease or completely decreases, it is called a sexual desire disorder. In short, we can say- Lack of Sexual Desire in our sexual life. India's Ayurveda Sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey says – Sexual Desire Disorder (SDD) is the symptom of absence of sexual drive that is also a form of Low Libido in a male or female. The experience of a person who is suffering from sexual desire disorder is his/her partner also affects due to this sexual problem. This desire sexual disorder can take place in a male or female life for a short or long period. The aging also the main cause but it is a natural process.

He also added that mainly, the prime cause of Sexual Desire Disorder is low level of hormone in a person. Generally, Estrogen hormone develops the sexual desire in female whereas Testosterone hormone affects a male for his sexual desire.

If a female whose estrogen hormone level will decrease then her desire, excitement, and attitude towards the sexual life will be changing. The same thing is applied with a male, if his testosterone hormone level will fall down then his sexual drive in addition to sperm production, muscle, and bone development, and hair growth will be affected.

Reasons For Desire Disorder

Dr. Sunil Dubey further says that there can be other main reasons for desire disorder like -
1. Growing old or Aging
2. Depression
3. Anxiety, Stress
4. Chemical Imbalance, Neurotransmitters
5. Relationship conflict
6. Diabetes
7. High blood pressure
8. Other physical ailments
9. Insomnia or sleeping disorder
10. A surgical operation to remove parts of uterus (Hysterectomy)
11. Overuse of allopathic medicines (High BP, Antidepressant, Anti-anxiety, Hormonal Related Cancer Drugs, Chemotherapy)

In fact, Due to medical, physical, and relationship issues are the primary reason of this sexual desire disorder.

The sexual desire disorder patients always adopt the following activities:
1. Feeling low libido or low sexual drive
2. No any sexual fantasies or thoughts
3. Avoiding sexual or genital contact with partner
4. Distress at the thoughts of sexual intercourse

Asking about the number of sexual desire disorder patients- He said, 30-35% of women and 15% of male always experience that they are having desire sexual disorder. In fact, one woman in 10 always suffers from this sexual dysfunction.

About the treatment of Sexual Desire Disorder (SDD):

Dr. Sunil Dubey says about the treatment of SDD: One who is suffering from this DSD then first of all, he should change his daily routine not only physically but also mentally. Ayurveda Medicare is the best solution for any type of chronic sexual dysfunction where the patients do not have any side-effects on body. It brings the most successful result for any disease, only the patients need to believe in the traditional ayurvedic medicine.

Psychologically and mentally, the patient feels reluctant from sexual activity when he suffers from this SDD. Therefore, he or she should consult for the best psychologist or sexologist where he can get the best therapy or treatment.

Anxiety, Depression, and other mental health condition always affect a human desire including sexual desire. That time, the patients need Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) by which they feel better as a mental health. In this condition, the sexologist or therapist helps the patients to remove their all negative thoughts against sexual life.

Hormonal issues play a big role to increase this desire sexual disorder where Ayurveda Medicare is the best option to both male and female patients to uproot their DSD problems. Dubey Clinic always wishes to the patients’ healthy life, therefore, this certified clinic always provides the quality-verified, pure, and effective ayurvedic medicines and treatment to the patients.

At last, He requests all the people to follow the some basic guidelines in their daily life:

1. Follow the natural routine
2. Inculcate the good habits
3. Take a healthy diet
4. Do exercise every day
5. Do 10-15 minutes Meditation
6. Drink much water (7-8 Liters) every day
7. Be happy with a good thought

Consult with us:

Do not avoid your sexual problems, take advice to eliminate it from the roots. Consult World Famous Sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey at Dubey Clinic, who is a specialist in treating all sexual disorders in men & women.


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